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Axiome investment disclosure



Axiome Consultants Limited (Axiome), FSP765072, has a full Financial Advice Provider (FAP) licence and is regulated under the Financial Markets Conduct Act by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) to provide financial advice.  The standard conditions of the licence are set out by the FMA.



We may provide advice on the following:

  • Investment planning and portfolio management
  • General risk management
  • General advice on asset protection and estate planning
  • Taxation (with specific accounting and tax engagements undertaken by our related company Axiome Chartered Accountants Ltd, a CA firm in public practice separately supervised by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand)
  • Property investments
  • Debt management, cash flow planning and budgeting
  • Where we provide advice in relation to listed securities, managed funds and KiwiSaver, the advice will relate to a broad range of products and will be drawn from approved products as determined by our independent investment committee Metis Research Group NZ limited




Axiome Consultants Ltd  and our advisers have duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 relating to the way that we give advice. We are required to:

  • Give priority to your interests
  • Exercise care, diligence, and skill
  • Meet standards of competence, knowledge and skill set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services
  • Meet standards of ethical behaviour, conduct and client care set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services.




We are a fee-only practice, our income is derived solely from a transparent fee based on the value of your portfolio. Axiome will charge a fee for the financial advice that is provided to you. The fee charged will depend on the nature of the financial advice and service that we provide.

  • Our advisers may charge on an hourly charge.
  • Our advisers may charge a one-off fee for writing a financial plan to meet your goals.
  • Any ongoing fee (Financial Advice) is based on funds under management and is charged    in tranches that reduce as the portfolio grows.
  • Investments held in the MMC Wealth are subject to custodial fees.

The exact fees will be agreed with you prior to undertaking any chargeable work.  Hourly and one-off fees are payable within 7 days of the date you receive the invoice.  Ongoing fees are deducted from the portfolio cash account monthly in arrears.




We manage and structure our business, and remuneration, to avoid conflicts of interest.  We use appropriate product research to ensure that the products we recommend to the client are suitable for their needs and are not influenced by the commission or remuneration associated with them

As a business, we have no contractual relationships with any product providers that requires our advisers to place business with them; nor do our financial advisers. Any commission, brokerage, or other form of payment available to us from making investment recommendations, are fully rebated to our clients. We have a policy of not partaking in, or accepting, investment commission or ‘soft dollar’ incentive schemes. From time to time, we may receive business support services from suppliers, which may include training and educational assistance.




If you are not satisfied with our service or financial advice, please tell us as soon as possible.

Call: 09-445-2134


Write to:  The Director, Axiome Consultants Ltd, PO Box 32-560, Devonport, Auckland 0744

When we receive a complaint:

  • We will consider your complaint and let you know how we intend to resolve it. Where possible, we try to resolve your complaint immediately.
  • Any complaint will be treated seriously, investigated promptly, and recorded in a complaints register.  The complaints register is a publicly available document that is available for inspection.
  • If we are unable to resolve your complaint immediately, we will acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days. We may contact you to get further information about your complaint.
  • We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If we need more time to investigate your complaint, we will let you know when you can expect to receive a response to your complaint.
  • We will contact you by phone, email, or letter to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint and how we propose to do so.

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to use our internal complaints process, you can contact our external disputes resolution scheme, Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) Scheme. IFSO provides a free and independent dispute resolution service that may help to resolve your complaint if we have not been able to do so to your satisfaction. To contact the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) Scheme:


Post: Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme, PO Box 10-845, Wellington 6143, New Zealand

Physical: Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme, Level 2, Solnet House, 70 The Terrace, Wellington 6143, New Zealand



Axiome Consultants Ltd

Level 1, 6 Victoria Road, Devonport

PO Box 32-560

Devonport, Auckland 0744

Call: 09-445-2134


A written copy of this information is available upon request.

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