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What’s new thinking or what’s been true for years. We gather what we’ve learned by experience and what we’ve learned by listening to the right people and share those financial insights with you here.

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy When It Comes to Investing?

Investing is a path to financial independence and building wealth. Yet the reality for many individual investors paints a different picture. The DALBAR Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behaviour (QAIB) 2024…

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Secure but Shrinking: The Real Cost of Inflation on Term Deposits

When it comes to growing your money, term deposits have long been heralded as a safe haven for savings. However, as renowned economist Thomas Sowell says, “there are no solutions,…

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Axiome’s KiwiSaver Launch – Solving the retirement equation

How much do I need to save for retirement? How long will my nest egg last me? How many trips can we afford to take while we are still young…

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You can’t eat investment property

As Kiwis, we love property. In fact, homes and real estate make up approximately 43% of total household assets in New Zealand. However, this love affair has started to sour…

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Higher taxes are coming for trusts: the PIE escape route

The tax rate for family trusts is increasing from a flat 33% to 39% from 1 April 2024. Many Kiwis use trusts to build their retirement savings or pass on…

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Becoming debt-free faster with the ‘debt avalanche’ method

With the combination of the festive season and the recent spike in interest rates squeezing budgets, addressing the level of debt is becoming a priority for some. Whilst assets that…

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Deductibility of overseas travel costs

Income Tax deductions can be claimed for overseas travel costs but only to the extent that they have a connection with deriving assessable income or carrying on a business.

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Keep calm and carry on

Our Western culture values the idea of activity - being busy is a badge of honour with people listing the number of things they have scheduled in a day with…

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Questions & Answers – Part 2

Philip de Lisle continues his conversation with Chartered Accountants magazine Acuity focusing on current markets and speculative assets.

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Questions & Answers – Part 1

In an interview with the Chartered Accountants magazine Acuity, Philip de Lisle answered questions many investors have been asking.

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Is the pain over for bonds?

Bonds have traditionally been used to cushion investment portfolios from the more volatile movements more commonly experienced in equity markets, as well as generating low-risk income or yield beyond what…

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Foreign income, overseas assets and investments

Do you have foreign-sourced income or own offshore assets or investments? You could be liable for tax in New Zealand.

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