The one-stop-shop for all your financial needs
We have two businesses trading under the Axiome brand. Axiome Chartered Accountants Ltd is our chartered accounting practice. Axiome Consultants Ltd provides our investment advisory consultancy and investment management services. Our clients include high net worth individuals, companies, trusts and charities. We have found our clients increasingly want a single source for all their financial services and we are uniquely placed to provide that.
So when you are balancing your month-to-month accounting with tax saving and optimising your wealth for the future, it makes sense that we can approach your entire financial life holistically.
We are able to provide this breadth of service because of our expertise, not only in-house, but through strategic relationships with other financial bodies with whom we cooperate to bring our clients best practice services across the board.
- Accounting services
- Taxation
- Business advisory
- Investment advice
- Portfolio implementation
- Wealth management
- Retirement planning
Our story
In 2004 Philip de Lisle left the corporate world of downtown Auckland and brought his consulting and accounting business closer to home in Devonport for lifestyle reasons. A core team was quickly formed and has remained stable over the years, with additional staff coming on board to support the growth of the business. The client relationships have been rewarding and the work across the various practice disciplines has been fulfilling. Philip has often said: “I’ve got a great team and have quality clients doing interesting things – it’s easy to like my work.” Devonport is a great demographic – a lot of our growth has come from locally based clients with diverse and interesting personal finance and business needs. Additionally, we continue to work with our wider Auckland-based clients, as well as clients across the North Island, and a number of international clients.
We maintain an excellent professional network of external specialists. The depth of service and expertise we can draw together for clients is very scalable, and extends to complex trust, tax and commercial needs. Our investment consulting specialisation is itself connected nationally and internationally to some of the most credible sources of research and prudent portfolio implementation. We are proud of our position as a provider of independent advice. As a fee only advisory firm we have no vested interest in the investment strategies we recommend and ensure our interests are aligned with those of our clients.
Our core values
As Chartered Accountants in Public Practice the directors of our two companies are bound by the code of ethics of Chartered Accountants ANZ ensuring that the actions of the team at Axiome are grounded in the core values of our profession.
We build trust through professionalism, reliability and action, and welcome regular and open communication with our clients.
We act with honesty, respect and integrity in all our business and professional relationships.
We are committed to excellence and providing value for our clients by helping them grow successful businesses and long-term wealth.
We work collaboratively with both our clients and other trusted professionals to achieve successful outcomes.
Our network of partners
Axiome works in tandem with a network of partners to set up, manage, and monitor your portfolios. This includes using best of breed tools such as the FinaMetrica risk tolerance questionnaire and MonteCarlo statistical simulation methodology to analyse client risk profiles and assess portfolio outcomes over the long term.
We are members of an independent investment committee, Metis, that regularly meets to review market performance and asset class return projections. MyFiduciary assists us with the development of investment strategies and reviews and monitors the performance of the funds we use in the construction of our portfolios.
The fund managers that we use, Dimensional Fund Advisors, BlackRock, and Smartshares, amongst others, are highly regarded in the industry. The custodial platform we use has over $1 trillion in assets under administration.
We do not work in isolation. When you invest with Axiome, there is a wealth of experience involved in the development of your investment strategy.
Governing bodies & professional memberships