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No obligation consultation

Our clients tell us regularly that they value what we do, they trust our advice and believe they are better off for it. Some of our clients are as informed about financial policy and practice as we are, but prefer to have our support to discuss options and keep them on track. Others admit to knowing very little in this space and want our expertise to help them make the most of what they have and to steer them in the right direction.

We welcome the opportunity for you to “take us for a test run” with no obligation to proceed if for any reason we’re not “a fit” for you. The only thing we ask is that you come prepared to talk. It is really important for us all to get to know each other.

Here’s what we offer

  • You can receive a FREE Initial Consultation.
  • The meeting is completely without obligation.
  • If you already have an accountant or adviser, the changeover is very simple and we can take care of it all for you.
  • Please either contact us directly or submit this form.
+64 9 445-2134
Level 1,  6 Victoria Road, Devonport
PO Box 32-560, Devonport, Auckland, 0624

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No obligation consultation

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